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and I find fmc infuriating af (`□′)╯┴┴ the way all her attempts are shown is so lighthearted as if it's just a game for her, no one can seriously think she's suffering. On the contrary, she's obviously enjoying herself... I know I shouldn't be so serious about this 'comedy'(-‸ლ) but I just can't(`□′)╯┴┴ none of her antics was amusing (-‸ლ) I was relishing the perfect work of that exquisite maid when that brute just pushed her out of the way(-‸ლ)I was about to explode with rage (`□′)╯┴┴ and what kind of freedom is that dope even talking about?!(-‸ლ) all her family members just sold her away. how was she going to survive after that escape?! When will the romantic part (as the genre tag suggests) actually kick in? :(

oh, look, he's even asking her the same question. AND...her stupid speechless face as the result (-‸ლ) nah, drop... she repeated twice during this episode that he didn't even ask about her feelings(-‸ლ) that's my pet peeve when ppl shift blame⋋_⋌ did she really forget that it was her parents' decision?! Poor prince even cancelled all those boring lessons (it's a pity all the tutor's efforts were in vain and she remains as boorish as a peasant(-‸ლ)), he created that perfect natural place for her, provided with impeccable maid (I was seriously pondering if I actually should persevere watching for her sake) but the way she continues making problems for everyone. He's not just any man, he's the prince but the way she treats him(-‸ლ) I know it's not the reason to forget about her dreams & wishes but it's possible to reject him in a more mature & respectable way. I recollected history lessons at uni when our perverted professor always commented on sexual life of all historical prominent ppl(-‸ლ), for example, how Peter the Great could easily rape any woman he liked during his balls. Again it doesn't mean I demand realism it's just still utterly ridiculous what I'm shown. I'm off...
nah ig it's more than I can stomach:( drop... breaking her arm for an attempted slap (for a very valid reason btw!) was too much.
plus dunno that letter from reality was kinda cringe. Did I get it right and all that game was bought by her dad to make her 'happy'? O_o in this case it could be easier & more lighthearted without too many obstacles & restrictions... Though I admit the idea to send such individual experiences to the brain while the patient is unconscious is exciting.
But she IS lying O_o She ruined her look purposefully and after all her talk before how makeup must be used exceptionally to highlight the beauty, her revenge is disgusting. Gosh, I keep thinking I should just drop this title but then smth exciting happens and I decide to keep going, lol :) constant rollercoaster :D
:( welp, it was predictable but despite how despicable he is, I liked those three 'spells', to study in order to think esp. I even thought how I want to read some philosophical books again. University years were truly rich with mind-blowing ideas. I really miss this feeling...
That one-eye monster looks too jarring T_T to enjoy watching it :( I'm contemplating about dropping this title just for this reason :(
nah, sigh, fantasy about monsters is def not my cup of tea:(
kids are seriously annoying (-‸ლ) but the fact that that hysterical woman lets them get under her skin is even more irritating. ig it's a drop for me.
O_O he's neither 'ugly' nor a 'bastard' why?!

it was a pleasant surprise to see more of his previous memories how he interacted with his daughter and aww I'm envious :) to have such understanding parents is too precious (。♥‿♥。)

I find it sweet how he tries to follow the plot no matter what (I mean usually villainesses get their just deserts in the end). How he tries to be mean to 'mc' but fails is adorable (●♡∀♡) He reminds me some kind grandpa :D

The dwarf was so cool (。♥‿♥。) and to glimpse at her backstory there was a wonderful surprise. ♡
wow, his wife is impressive (^^)b to convince & change such a man :D
that was a bit weird O_o She had already applied her makeup seconds before that completion, lol :D
aw that was hilarious :D One more awesome title this season \o/
those club activities were fun♥ I even felt an urge to do some exercises with my voice myself :) That was motivating :D Though some new chars are kinda annoying but they're still interesting enough.
and mmm that final sudden appearance (。♥‿♥。) I'm intrigued :) tho he def doesn't play fair O_o
wow (。♥‿♥。) I mean I've always loved vampire stories but this one surpassed all my inflated expectations (●♡∀♡))ヾ☆*。Now I have one more title to look forward to (●♡∀♡)

First, he's really hot.♱♡‿♡♰ Vampires usually are :) but this one is just perfect ♥

Second, it IS funny :D I couldn't stop laughing when his dad said yesterday he was celebrating his son's last day in middle school but today there's a new cause for celebration--his first day in high school :)))))))))))

Third, the best experience I could hope to gain is some strong, new emotions, smth I wouldn't know in real life, smth that I'm not usually into, you know some shift in perception. and here I know it's wrong, I know the author won't have balls to actually grant him that wish at the end but oh my I'm seriously rooting for that vampire to get his delicacy :DD Though, poor guy, he must be starving :) male virginity at that age can't be a popular occurrence ( ̄ω ̄●)

welp, I'm really elated ♡ :)
I've watched the first episode and...removed a piece of carrot cake from my next food delivery ahaha :D

it's a pity the only available eng subs are a total mess :( now I'm curious how this guy will change his opinion:) I'm already happy for him that he'll be able to overcome that school trauma. the staler looked truly disgusting :(
welp, this episode is really a bit better as I hoped. MC is not that pitiful anymore but again T_T I've experienced some contrast emotions:( Like the boy is too pushy and harsh, sometimes it was utterly unpleasant:( and what was that about her dad?! was he jealous, is his own family situation complicated or why that sudden change?!:(

but then again perhaps with such lost case it's the right thing to do ( I mean how forceful he was), plus again he's just a teenage boy himself, it's wrong to expect him to be a perfect pro therapist or smth.

One more annoying thing was his 'I reap what I've sowed' (-‸ლ) does it mean he regrets how he's helped her before?! Is he just whining she's attached to him now?! Either way his arrogant attitude is infuriating ⋋_⋌

Anyway, I don't want to drop it cuz it feels kinda refreshing as usually romance titles are way too cloying & mushy. So for now it's a nice change.
all these boys idol titles are just a blur afterwards but nevertheless they're always so encouraging & inspiring ♥
llove it (。♥‿♥。) pretty art, cute chars... and I knew it ahaha that lots of ppl will complain about the ending :D suure, a kiss without consent, a very pushy guy :D the author is too bold (゚∀゚ノノ゙for the modern audience (-‸ლ) who expect some written contract or smth before any personal interaction (-‸ლ) can we even talk about romance in this case? It reminded me one guy I used to date who was like this--'can I hug you? Can I kiss you?' (-‸ლ) Can you just read the room?! (`□′)╯┴┴
oh, that time skip was totally unexpected :) and despite all the casualties this new part offers less angst, welp, for me personally. So I kinda breathed out & relaxed a bit. It's really inspiring to see some organized resistance. Though when I was listening to all those valid accusations towards church I recollected how I visited my friend's granny in some old village and she showed us a place where there used to be a church but when communists came there they killed a local priest and anyone who tried to protect the place which they robbed & burned afterwards. So I was thinking it doesn't actually matter what exactly you believe in, as long as you are ready to kill anyone (even your brother like in this episode) who disagrees with you, if having different opinions can cause aggression, our world remains a despicable place despite all the progress :( lol, Echizen Ryoma's words occurred to me rn :D mada mada dane... despite all sacrifices humankind is not there yet, there's still a long way to go...
I was roaring with laughter when the teacher pretended to be a yokai on the spur of the moment and actually turned out to be the scariest there :DD
also, what a unique family with three dads (。♥‿♥。) def not what I initially envisioned, lol :D
mmm that was educational :) calico cats ARE omens of good fortune in our country as well but I never knew dif colors have their own specific positive meaning. Cute (ㅇㅅㅇ❀)
Finally smth awesome this season! (。♥‿♥。) It was as great as I hoped it would! ฅ•ω•ฅ ♡
and yeah, excited to have it for two cours.
nah, drop... their (cute btw) coworker was totally right--there's absolutely no point in hiding their relationship. The way they (esp she) keep overthinking & overreacting is not funny, it's annoying & ridiculous. That's not what I want form watching supposedly adult chars :(
seriously?! (-‸ლ) does she have no self-respect, no core at all?! (-‸ლ) cringe...
it even made me recollect early Japanese otome with fmc so meek it was infuriating & disgusting to self-insert, give her my name. Luckily, there's been a great change in female characters in the modern novels but look here (-‸ლ)
If she doesn't care about her own self-esteem, she should have thought about her fiancé (-‸ლ) she just stains his reputation agreeing to be treated like an animal (`□′)╯┴┴ I'm so disappointed I want to drop it rn ⋋_⋌

"I won't leave because he wants me to be here" (-‸ლ) ok, if this idiot really cares about what he wants, is it such a complicated thought to understand that he'd never want her in that pitiful condition (-‸ლ) She could stay AND show some character at the same time.

Now I can only agree with that wretch--she's not equipped to be near him if she allows to be treated that way. A disgusting episode (`□′)╯┴┴

wow what an achievement, she 'can clean' O_O (-‸ლ) let's applaud & praise her (-‸ლ) what is the author of this *** trying to feed me with?! Why am I forced to accept that she's doing the right thing?! What's wrong with their mentality?!(-‸ლ) and Russian ppl have been always blamed for tolerating patiently injustice. (-‸ლ)

gosh, I had such huge hopes for this title, it was smth to look forward in this season:( what a let-down T_T

ahaha yeah, sure she'll recognize she can clean(-‸ლ) aaaaahhhhh what nonsense (`□′)╯┴┴ I'm about to explode.

look at her future husband risking his life for the greater good and she (-‸ლ) can't say no to that hag(-‸ლ)

so 'kind' that she'd have slapped her for no reason if his dad hadn't interfered (-‸ლ) there really must be some limit to tolerance and naivety (-‸ლ)

even if she did mean well, everyone understands she's ruined her own son giving him aversion to women in general & hatred towards her. it just proves the obvious that she's far from being kind(-‸ლ) without love, warmth all her strict upbringing was for naught. but sure, our goody-two-shoes mc thinks differently (-‸ლ)

That's it!!! all that bullshit she spouted to him how she understood their household better (-‸ლ)was such a piece of crap. NOW when they're just talking openly about her circumstances we can see what the matter is. that's how it happens, not when you stoop to indulging some sadists, when you just talk through any issues (-‸ლ)

yeah, sure, risking her own life for some unknown soldier's sake is definitely what her husband-to-be wants (-‸ლ) all this saint-like ridiculous nonsense is unbearable (-‸ლ)

welp, I downgraded it a lot, gonna watch without expecting anything decent anymore. (-‸ლ)
ungrateful, unfair brats (-‸ლ) gonna continue watching this anime as bg title...
at least she realizes if she stays longer she'll inevitably hate her own creation (-‸ლ)
why does she keep wearing her hair this way?! (-‸ლ)
it's great to see them both so passionate<3 I mean not only the girl but her coach as well. It's so precious to be on the same wavelength.
The only thing I find boring in this title is that the main chars are all kids with their natural childish reactions & behavior:( that's a serious downside for me, tho I know it's more realistic this way but... T_T
what a 'nice' way to greet your daughter after a long time (-‸ლ) her mum ⋋_⋌ It's infuriating no one (esp her close family) cares what she wants(`□′)╯┴┴ she's not their puppet to help them reach THEIR goals ⋋_⋌ They all are just cruel egotists ⋋_⋌ I know it's supposed to be a comedy but in this ep it was unbearable to watch how everyone treated mc (-‸ლ) maybe without her parents nearby it'll be less annoying further on...

I'm still here just because of the prince btw. he kinda hinted they'd known each other before... If she always was so bubbly & feisty, perhaps he actually set her free on purpose...to make her reveal her true nature. and it'd mean his feelings are far from being fickle.