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Situations are so absurd and dialogues are totally stupid (-‸ლ) How can even translators & dubbers follow that ridiculous plot, I know it's wrong but I have the urge to edit all those sentences for them to sound more logical, lol :D
I've downgraded the title to the minimum I can more or less tolerate. One more cringe sitch & I'm out.
gosh, fmc is unbearable (-‸ლ) I always believed that the main target group for romance stories is female viewers but
(-‸ლ) what girl would enjoy associating herself with this annoyingly stupid & unnaturally clumsy meek char (-‸ლ) So, I start thinking maybe it's made for boys, lol:D look at me how I can be a real hero & protect this weak, helpless creature(-‸ლ)
is she for real? (-‸ლ) my patience is wearing thin (-‸ლ) I'm not sure I'll be able to tolerate her till the end of the story (-‸ლ)
Идеальный муж и я, или Как украсть 55 поцелуев / Guomin Laogong Dai Huijia / Идеальный муж и я, или как украсть 55 поцелуев / 国民老公带回家 / How to Steal 55 Kisses / Bringing Back Home Mr. Perfect / Taking Everybody's Husband Home
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I've downgraded the title to the minimum I can more or less tolerate. One more cringe sitch & I'm out.
(-‸ლ) what girl would enjoy associating herself with this annoyingly stupid & unnaturally clumsy meek char (-‸ლ) So, I start thinking maybe it's made for boys, lol:D look at me how I can be a real hero & protect this weak, helpless creature(-‸ლ)
is she for real? (-‸ლ) my patience is wearing thin (-‸ლ) I'm not sure I'll be able to tolerate her till the end of the story (-‸ლ)
and now he's choosing between two sisters (-‸ლ)
Thanks for uploading all the seasons <3