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I actually started feeling sorry for the poor girl looking up to our detective so much :) but in fact she's just being tricked :( Such pure admiration shouldn't be deceived but perhaps it's too late to reveal the truth now :( Her belief he's second to none is adorable but a tad plaintive as it's based on utter lie :(
That student's (or assistant or whoever that girl is, lol) blushing beaming face jogged my own memory :D I also had a couple of uni professors I adored (。♥‿♥。) This feeling is incredible! ♥
poor thing T_T
O_O such despicable, rotten ppl :(( That's even kinda impressive how this sweet girl could evoke so many negative emotions( I wish he could lie near her corpse too promising he'll revenge her :D She totally didn't deserve such demise :( why she and not any of these vile creatures :(
aaahhhh cliffhanger, I'm not a fan of several parts cases :(
In some moments their interactions seemed so exaggerated so I started even asking myself what I'm wasting my time for... but oh my it was so unexpected and trilling...those explanations about connecting and kinda healing the wounded geniuses, the idea about their loneliness... It was so moving I had chills. Awesome! <3
Kamonohashi Ron no Kindan Suiri 2nd Season / Рон Камонохаси: Невменяемый детектив 2 / Безумные расследования Рона Камонохаси 2 / Ron Kamonohashi's Forbidden Deductions Season 2 / 鴨乃橋ロンの禁断推理 2nd Season / Ron Kamonohashi: Deranged Detective Season 2
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That student's (or assistant or whoever that girl is, lol) blushing beaming face jogged my own memory :D I also had a couple of uni professors I adored (。♥‿♥。) This feeling is incredible! ♥
poor thing T_T
O_O such despicable, rotten ppl :(( That's even kinda impressive how this sweet girl could evoke so many negative emotions( I wish he could lie near her corpse too promising he'll revenge her :D She totally didn't deserve such demise :( why she and not any of these vile creatures :(
aaahhhh cliffhanger, I'm not a fan of several parts cases :(