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aww his negotiations with the cat were cute :D
oh my, traditional weddings can be smth overwhelming, lol :) I wonder tho how exaggerated that presentation was :)
Astonishingly this title turned out to be so relatable O_o
A cat IS a valid reason (`□′)╯┴┴ it's frustrating not all ppl get it :(
What a reliable, responsible adult he is! ( ゚∀゚ノノ゙
oh, reminded me how it was at my state school where in case of some official events during holidays or days-off they always were like, mmm you're so young & don't have kids, YOU will go (-‸ლ)
:) I also was in official but still totally fake marriage with a friend, it was beneficial for both of us for some reasons :) It was nothing like here, of course, we weren't embarrassed :) it was a fun unforgettable experience :) still it's kinda sad you just can't simply refuse and need to pretend or fake :(
anyway, for now it's sweet enough, though I prefer eloquent chars...
Kekkon suru tte, Hontou desu ka / Вы правда женитесь? / 365 Days to the Wedding / 結婚するって、本当ですか 365 Days To The Wedding / Kekkon Surutte, Hontou Desuka / Are You Really Getting Married? / Триста шестьдесят пять дней до свадьбы / Это правда, что вы женитесь?
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Опенинг дефолт, но очень милый эндинг
ЖГГ вроде ничем особым не выделяется во внешности, а нарисована симпатично :)
oh my, traditional weddings can be smth overwhelming, lol :) I wonder tho how exaggerated that presentation was :)
A cat IS a valid reason (`□′)╯┴┴ it's frustrating not all ppl get it :(
What a reliable, responsible adult he is! ( ゚∀゚ノノ゙
oh, reminded me how it was at my state school where in case of some official events during holidays or days-off they always were like, mmm you're so young & don't have kids, YOU will go (-‸ლ)
:) I also was in official but still totally fake marriage with a friend, it was beneficial for both of us for some reasons :) It was nothing like here, of course, we weren't embarrassed :) it was a fun unforgettable experience :) still it's kinda sad you just can't simply refuse and need to pretend or fake :(
anyway, for now it's sweet enough, though I prefer eloquent chars...