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В большинстве европейских стран ждать приема нужно несколько месяцев. Но тут мб он пошел записываться прямо на какое-то сканирование, это может быть устроено много быстрее
Yay \o/
He doesn't look very despondent, just his usual sulky self :D So I hope for the happy ending in the last episode :)
oh, and it looks so unrealistic or is it only in our hospitals this way :( I mean, he had an appointment and they were immediately discussing his brain scan O_o no waiting lists or smth?!
Очень реалистично, без прекрас и излишних страданий. Верю что такой диалог запросто мог бы произойти
I'm curious about the whole truth about his deceased brother :( There's no way the guy can be at blame or smth. it reminded me how my uncle blames me for not visiting my dad's (his brother's) grave. to do what?! he's not actually there, what's the point?! gosh, this episode was really thought-provoking in a negative way :( I recollected how mum recently shared that my grandpa (her dad) had a lung cancer as he started smoking tobacco at the age of 6 or smth. He could have a surgery but he decided against it, when he started suffering from severe pain he changed his mind but it was too late. And I was thinking what choice I'd make (like here, should he actually overcome his fear and consult the doctor again). Hospitals, all that devastating treatment (my aunt is undergoing a chemo rn) with slim chances of survival (when even nurses looking at my aunt said ppl usually die not because of cancer but because of the chemotherapy's side effects. Isn't it better just to enjoy your last days as it is with all your hair, eyelashes and eyebrows on than... sigh.
Though thinking positive, at the very beginning it looked like there's no way to save him but now it actually sounds there may be a way out, so... fingers crossed!
their "I just happen to have..." was hilarious :D
This title has a truly perfect name, that's exactly what I feel all the time and rn--smth 'negaposi' :)
Реально лучший тайтл сезона
Watching this episode had such a soothing effect, as if I was there with them minus all those truly nasty flaws of fishing that girl mentioned :(
btw she was the only unpleasant thing (-‸ლ) being unbearably pushy with that naive, kinda damaged boy :(
what's rude about it? O_O I do it sometimes too when I'm parched.
oh my, it took me so much time to comprehend how lures work, lol :) For all these years I envisioned it totally wrong ahaha Some educational anime it turned out to be :)
he's right about fishing jargon but even I don't find it boring or useless.
it's interesting btw how in the city water seems not polluted & fishing isn't forbidden there.
mmm at some point it felt as if I could smell again that specific river water scent in the morning. What a magical title :)
ahaha that was mean and childish :))
Серия крутая. Нравится, что ситуация решилась за счет хорошего человека, но не сама собой, и проблема не исчезла в корне. Могу представить себе такое в жизни. Прям неожиданно приятный тайтл в этом сезоне
Нынешнее общество культа успеха, плюс японское чувство исключительной ответственности за себя, оставляют мало свободы проявить участие. Типа, если у человека проблемы, на всё есть формальные пути - проси родственников, объявляй банкротство, садись на шею системе соцподдержки, иди на подработку в конце концов. Плюс получателю оставаться в долгу неохота, а давателям - влезать в чужие дела слишком глубоко (неприлично и сам в траблы ввяжешься, японцы к этому серьезно относятся). Но даже так, позитивные и желающие делиться люди всё равно есть, слава богу, никуда не исчезли - так что дело во многом за получателем, насколько он открыт к чужому участию.
I thought too how benevolent all these ppl are :) It made me recollect my hitch-hiking & hiking experience, I met so many kind ppl who helped me a lot with everything they could like sharing food, inviting me to spend the night similar to the scene here :) or even giving money...a lot, just because I reminded that businessman himself when he was younger :) All these memories are so heartwarming, so I don't find such stories unnatural or unrealistic.
As for MC, I confess, a thought that he's a pathetic loser occurred to me. I feel sorry for his parents who pay for his education but... Then again I guess when you find out about terminal illness, it does change your priorities and perception. There's only one inevitable ending for all of us, so can I even judge him...?
so, on the one hand it was a tad nostalgic but on the other hand I still kept thinking about poor fish willing to survive as it was said here too, how it's not my cup of tea at all. But chars are bright and pleasant, so I think I'll watch it till the end :) I wonder tho how much attention they gonna pay to the fishing process in next episodes too...