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hmm I like that theory of afterlife as individual, unique beta-heaven :)
ahh Natsu is awesome! No overthinking & overanalyzing, just feeling what is right or wrong. I'm always impressed! He IS rational about defining whose blame it was, why is it constantly victim at fault for the majority of narrow-minded ppl (-‸ლ) Kudos, Natsu, for being so perceptive despite all his 'stupidity', he reminded me our fairy-tales with 'silly' protagonists but acting as real heroes should.
gosh, is it me or...is the story supposed to induce perverted thoughts like with 'dying her white' or 'another round', lol :D
oh, look at her actually apologizing O_o ⋋_⋌
I'm really curious about all the other dragons! I wonder how many episodes it's gonna be this season.
that 'true kid' is hot (。♥‿♥。)
This Water Dragon is such a cutie (。♥‿♥。)
but the girl he's saved (`□′)╯┴┴ first, she is the reason he's become enslaved to that white witch (-‸ლ), then after her huge fail she just begs them to kill him O_o What a nice girl (゚∀゚ノノ゙
Only Natsu was reacting adequately to that outrageous request! wtf is wrong with everyone else ⋋_⋌
I hope he can be saved T_T
wtf is wrong with that new girl (-‸ლ) btw do they really accept just anyone without thoroughly checking their bg?! O_o How dare she insult Jovia calling her 'wet blanket' & other toxic things about the rain. Nice guild preaching about indestructible friendship O_o
split personality is kinda lame. I feel slightly disappointed.
+ Рисовку оставили
+ Сюжетно идет как продолжение, а не альтер/параллельная история. // Да притянуто за уши, но все же.