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And it also seems kinda cruel to me to reveal that truth about her friend, what's the point? if that made her happy, who cares...
And I've read the comments stating smth like, "Oh, Fairy Tail is just a childish fairy-tale where no one ever does..." Excuse me O_o Episode 89 is a joke for you?! O_O And I believed it's gonna be that way :(
Gosh, poor Natsu who's JUST found his dad, poor viewers who've been waiting for it for 200+ episodes :(((
I'm heartbroken...
So wholesome!
Gosh, they were just standing idly twiddling their thumbs while she was activating that weapon O_o
And that creature(-‸ლ) without any hesitation she's devoured her 'friend's soul but now: 'But I will die if I do it' Really?! O_o
Poor boy :( having to experience his dad's demise twice :((
SneakyBeaver, tnx♡. Tastes differ, of course, but I still believe it's your loss :)
reminded me that anime about similar card game that's been on for years and I even watched a couple of seasons honestly trying to figure out all the rules but alas, I had to give up T_T It's hilarious tho to watch this episode seeing how they just make up all the rules :D Now with all the familiar chars it's fun :)
That unity of ALL the mages looks impressive!
They were warned, noo, they let her near that gate without any supervision (-‸ლ) Trust, but verify.
So happy for that cat :)
And I llove this season visually more, though the absence of nipples is distracting and disturbing T_T
Fascinating start! The very first episode made me so emotional--happy, sad, angry and excited for more, I even thought about binge watching this season without getting distracted by other ongoings but nah, I'll savor this pleasure :)
I hope he killed that senile master, I'm bloodthirsty ⋋_⋌ after he dared to kill that cat (`□′)╯┴┴
"Блин как там. Озвучено проектом Sekai Project"
Звёздные духи Затмения: 29-51.
Деревня солнца: 52-58.
Тартарос: 59-90.
Zero: 90-100.
Аватар: 101-102