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mmm it looks like it's gonna be an epic fight! buuut if she's actually not dead can't it be a happy end for everyone :( with the victory of love & friendship T_T Everyone has suffered more than enough :(
What a heart-wrenching curse indeed :( So cruel T_T
them kissing together, being in love was a real astonishment for me O_O Poor guy deserved that simple happiness, sb's warmth :( sigh, it was too flitting :( now I can't even condemn him for everything he's done before :((
ahh I can't T_T They keep talking about this one year period as if one hundred has passed instead O_o They all have changed beyond recognition HOW?! it's just a measly year :( such a blow to my self-esteem :(
mmm that's always impressive when a leader can apologize like that (^^)b
I'm intrigued about her sin. More about their past \o/
Perhaps all the tragedies could be avoidable if only his professors were not just lamenting O_o his 'stupidity' but found indisputable counter-arguments. Was it really so difficult to convince a kid?! Adults, my ass... 'Don't do it' just because I'm so authoritative and demand obedience... (-‸ლ)
wow O_O so that's how it is about End.
Heartfelt reunion♥ :)
His friend's death was pivotal in his drastic change :( So! WHY?! O_O is Natsu so vague (-‸ლ) Why can't he just warn him directly without any hints. It's annoying when ppl do it...
mmm next episode. more friends together :) oh they look awesome fighting again :)
What an annoying crybaby (-‸ლ) I forced myself to watch this episode. So, they did have a deal it was just temporary WHY was she so difficult (`□′)╯┴┴ too many stupid tears(-‸ლ). She should be all over the moon they've come for her, nope
(-‸ლ), ungrateful brat ⋋_⋌
aww next episode is gonna be about Gray, nnnice!!!
I'm fuming (`□′)╯┴┴ How can she even open her mouth claiming royalty to her new guild if doing that she betrays her initial one. oh, look at her, she's found a friend but does it mean you can forget ALL of her old friends from the guild. She doesn't deserve all that Natsu's effort to bring her back ⋋_⋌ I don't remember Wendy being so obnoxious (-‸ლ) and her friend
(`□′)╯┴┴ (`□′)╯┴┴ (`□′)╯┴┴ How dare she kick Natsu in the face stealing Happy. What a bitch 〴⋋_⋌〵
oh and it looks like the next episode is little girls fighting together(´*`) Gross! I need a break before watching next to calm down...
если все будет идти в таком темпе, то аниме хватит на 20-30 серий, если я помню все события (но это не точно, возможно будет много филлеров(вообщем, я просто предположил))
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them kissing together, being in love was a real astonishment for me O_O Poor guy deserved that simple happiness, sb's warmth :( sigh, it was too flitting :( now I can't even condemn him for everything he's done before :((
Awesome story! Solid through years on!!!
mmm that's always impressive when a leader can apologize like that (^^)b
I'm intrigued about her sin. More about their past \o/
wow O_O so that's how it is about End.
Heartfelt reunion♥ :)
mmm next episode. more friends together :) oh they look awesome fighting again :)
(-‸ლ), ungrateful brat ⋋_⋌
aww next episode is gonna be about Gray, nnnice!!!
(`□′)╯┴┴ (`□′)╯┴┴ (`□′)╯┴┴ How dare she kick Natsu in the face stealing Happy. What a bitch 〴⋋_⋌〵
oh and it looks like the next episode is little girls fighting together(´*`) Gross! I need a break before watching next to calm down...
хм, хм, хм
весь сезон а ну сразу выходи