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Just wow! Why am I on the verge of tears?! T_T It all feels slightly sad but still so realistic, imperfectly human that it kinda hurts but impresses! I definitely sympathized with that dad's attempt to become closer to his son. His kid is amazing btw. To refuse all those gifts and money at his age (it reminded me how dad, when they were divorced too, used to come home with expensive treats, money, he never asked he just did and it made mum very angry shouting that he was just buying us and we should never accept his gifts)... To let go of that fish. Sigh, kids become so mature in such situations :(( When they actually still deserve to keep being childish :( And the ending... It looks like fishing is still his main priority, perhaps that was really the reason of their divorce. To hear how a little kid states that his dad is good at only one thing--fishing is kinda gloomy too :(
This title has a truly perfect name, that's exactly what I feel all the time and rn--smth 'negaposi' :)
Как же я скучала по такой прекраной подаче. Чтобы каждую серию раскрывать по персонажу, но так ненавязчиво, аж душа поёт. Мастерство на всех уровнях цеха чувствуется🥰
An interesting mixture of emotions: really heartwarming & comfy but still with that lingering dread of inevitable death :( and that's a tricky question if one should tell the others about such conditions (I wonder if mc will listen to her advice). Wouldn't it be just a burden for them? Will it help if everyone starts walking on eggshells around you? I'm not that old but people keep dying around (cancer, Covid, accidents) perhaps it's just one side of knowing too many people due to work and hobbies but it still hurts and forces me to contemplate about my own life... That's kinda dismal, sigh :)
what's rude about it? O_O I do it sometimes too when I'm parched.
oh my, it took me so much time to comprehend how lures work, lol :) For all these years I envisioned it totally wrong ahaha Some educational anime it turned out to be :)
he's right about fishing jargon but even I don't find it boring or useless.
it's interesting btw how in the city water seems not polluted & fishing isn't forbidden there.
mmm at some point it felt as if I could smell again that specific river water scent in the morning. What a magical title :)
Серия крутая. Нравится, что ситуация решилась за счет хорошего человека, но не сама собой, и проблема не исчезла в корне. Могу представить себе такое в жизни. Прям неожиданно приятный тайтл в этом сезоне
Я обычно пише коммы на английском, если смотри с англ. саббами. Мозг не переключается. А екатерине респект, мне лень смотреть на русском и потом писать на английском хд
Мне кажется, ГГ сделали таким вот провалившимся членом социума, мб даже паразитом, как раз для того, чтобы дать рыбакам показать всю свою доброту. Будь ГГ состоявшимся или хотя бы целеустремлённым неудачником с полным набором уверенности, гордости, совести и социальных привычек, он бы на проявления доброты вежливо отмахивался бы. Мол, мне стыдно вас утруждать, я сам полноценный человек и сам разберусь, мы только пять минут знакомы, а вы уже... и т.д.
Нынешнее общество культа успеха, плюс японское чувство исключительной ответственности за себя, оставляют мало свободы проявить участие. Типа, если у человека проблемы, на всё есть формальные пути - проси родственников, объявляй банкротство, садись на шею системе соцподдержки, иди на подработку в конце концов. Плюс получателю оставаться в долгу неохота, а давателям - влезать в чужие дела слишком глубоко (неприлично и сам в траблы ввяжешься, японцы к этому серьезно относятся). Но даже так, позитивные и желающие делиться люди всё равно есть, слава богу, никуда не исчезли - так что дело во многом за получателем, насколько он открыт к чужому участию.
Surprisingly, it was interesting to listen to all those instructions HOW to fish, e.g. 'playing it', dragging the rod to the opposite direction etc... btw I'm not sure if I got it right but was it the part of that amusement park? It'd be amazing if it were :)
I thought too how benevolent all these ppl are :) It made me recollect my hitch-hiking & hiking experience, I met so many kind ppl who helped me a lot with everything they could like sharing food, inviting me to spend the night similar to the scene here :) or even giving money...a lot, just because I reminded that businessman himself when he was younger :) All these memories are so heartwarming, so I don't find such stories unnatural or unrealistic.
As for MC, I confess, a thought that he's a pathetic loser occurred to me. I feel sorry for his parents who pay for his education but... Then again I guess when you find out about terminal illness, it does change your priorities and perception. There's only one inevitable ending for all of us, so can I even judge him...?
Всё же не для меня, слииишком добрые люди, приютили, дали работу, помогли сбежать от коллекторов, переживают за него, разделяют своё увлечение с ним и даже вайфу подогнали человеку, который для них никто и который им по сути ничего и не даст, у которого осталось мало хп, забросил универ и сам ввязался в долги.. Понимаю, что так и должно быть в жизни, побольше бобра и прочего, но мне не заходит, когда человек ничего не делая получает практически всё. Тема рыбалки хорошо раскрывается, но сам не любитель, и потому не увлекает. в дроп.
mmm it made me remember my grandpa who was an avid fisher, actually my mum (his daughter) often joined him buuut I could never understand the appeal of sitting idly at some pond :( I was always bored and walking nearby, at least I could enjoy nature :) oh then when they were gutting the fish, urgh the stink :( although I liked dried fish, it was always hanging at grandparents' place :) I already forgot about it))
so, on the one hand it was a tad nostalgic but on the other hand I still kept thinking about poor fish willing to survive as it was said here too, how it's not my cup of tea at all. But chars are bright and pleasant, so I think I'll watch it till the end :) I wonder tho how much attention they gonna pay to the fishing process in next episodes too...
Музыка очень крутая, да и режиссура с анимацией крайне добротно сделаны. Удивительный алмазик, всем советую, вообще не ожидала подобного и хотела скипнуть
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This title has a truly perfect name, that's exactly what I feel all the time and rn--smth 'negaposi' :)
Реально лучший тайтл сезона
Watching this episode had such a soothing effect, as if I was there with them minus all those truly nasty flaws of fishing that girl mentioned :(
btw she was the only unpleasant thing (-‸ლ) being unbearably pushy with that naive, kinda damaged boy :(
what's rude about it? O_O I do it sometimes too when I'm parched.
oh my, it took me so much time to comprehend how lures work, lol :) For all these years I envisioned it totally wrong ahaha Some educational anime it turned out to be :)
he's right about fishing jargon but even I don't find it boring or useless.
it's interesting btw how in the city water seems not polluted & fishing isn't forbidden there.
mmm at some point it felt as if I could smell again that specific river water scent in the morning. What a magical title :)
ahaha that was mean and childish :))
Серия крутая. Нравится, что ситуация решилась за счет хорошего человека, но не сама собой, и проблема не исчезла в корне. Могу представить себе такое в жизни. Прям неожиданно приятный тайтл в этом сезоне
Нынешнее общество культа успеха, плюс японское чувство исключительной ответственности за себя, оставляют мало свободы проявить участие. Типа, если у человека проблемы, на всё есть формальные пути - проси родственников, объявляй банкротство, садись на шею системе соцподдержки, иди на подработку в конце концов. Плюс получателю оставаться в долгу неохота, а давателям - влезать в чужие дела слишком глубоко (неприлично и сам в траблы ввяжешься, японцы к этому серьезно относятся). Но даже так, позитивные и желающие делиться люди всё равно есть, слава богу, никуда не исчезли - так что дело во многом за получателем, насколько он открыт к чужому участию.
I thought too how benevolent all these ppl are :) It made me recollect my hitch-hiking & hiking experience, I met so many kind ppl who helped me a lot with everything they could like sharing food, inviting me to spend the night similar to the scene here :) or even giving money...a lot, just because I reminded that businessman himself when he was younger :) All these memories are so heartwarming, so I don't find such stories unnatural or unrealistic.
As for MC, I confess, a thought that he's a pathetic loser occurred to me. I feel sorry for his parents who pay for his education but... Then again I guess when you find out about terminal illness, it does change your priorities and perception. There's only one inevitable ending for all of us, so can I even judge him...?
so, on the one hand it was a tad nostalgic but on the other hand I still kept thinking about poor fish willing to survive as it was said here too, how it's not my cup of tea at all. But chars are bright and pleasant, so I think I'll watch it till the end :) I wonder tho how much attention they gonna pay to the fishing process in next episodes too...
А про что оно хоть? Жанр, хотя бы укажите что ли.