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ppl literally die because of their secret, nope he still indulges her (-‸ლ) in using her real name... she IS an airhead but what's wrong with him?! How did he turn into a blushing fool from a strict warrior?! sigh. and the episode has just started :( if I feel like facepalming thrice till the end of this series, I'll drop the title. if not I'll just shut up and stop nitpicking, I've already realized it's gonna be partially annoying thanks to some ungrateful, silly brat (-‸ლ) Here goes nothing :D
1. "Maybe" he's important to him (-‸ლ) after everything he's said she still doubts this obvious fact (-‸ლ)
2. What a clever plan (-‸ლ) and what does it mean 'I believe it's queen' lol so stupid (-‸ლ) how can she spout all that groundless nonsense to such a revered person. what a cringe (-‸ლ) she's saying all that shit but it's me who feels ashamed (-‸ლ)
3. aaa "I need to be sure the others are forgiven. It was just my mistake" or smth aaaaaaa was she deaf or again just stupid? She was explained countless times not to be so reckless because everyone's heads will just fly off their necks. (-‸ლ) is it so difficult to understand before doing such stupid things that she let down other ppl who were so kind to her.
And it's just the middle of the episode. So, drop...
P.S. "I taught him one thing, he understood ten." wow! Just an ideal student's definition :) Too good to be true :D
I'm disappointed :( MC is truly so annoying, stupid, selfish ⋋_⋌ I dislike stories that arouse such emotions in me :( But that chubby kid was so cute (。♥‿♥。)I'd like to see what's gonna happen with that neighbor kingdom, male chars are quite intriguing, sigh, though I kept thinking about dropping the title during this episode :( It reminds me old otome novels: always unbearable female MC (-‸ლ) & a number of hot guys--the only reason I could endure those fools (-‸ლ)
Welp, not that bad but still mc was annoying af (-‸ლ) such drastic change to the better after the betrayal of the only close person and...(-‸ლ) why was she so unnecessarily difficult? (-‸ლ) I guess I'll watch it but for now I'm not very impressed.
Hoshifuru Oukoku no Nina / Нина в королевстве звёзд / Hoshi Furu Oukoku no Nina / 星降る王国のニナ / Nina the Starry Bride / Нина из страны звездопадов / Nina of the Starry Kingdom
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1. "Maybe" he's important to him (-‸ლ) after everything he's said she still doubts this obvious fact (-‸ლ)
2. What a clever plan (-‸ლ) and what does it mean 'I believe it's queen' lol so stupid (-‸ლ) how can she spout all that groundless nonsense to such a revered person. what a cringe (-‸ლ) she's saying all that shit but it's me who feels ashamed (-‸ლ)
3. aaa "I need to be sure the others are forgiven. It was just my mistake" or smth aaaaaaa was she deaf or again just stupid? She was explained countless times not to be so reckless because everyone's heads will just fly off their necks. (-‸ლ) is it so difficult to understand before doing such stupid things that she let down other ppl who were so kind to her.
And it's just the middle of the episode. So, drop...
P.S. "I taught him one thing, he understood ten." wow! Just an ideal student's definition :) Too good to be true :D