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I watched it about 2 months ago maybe I don't remember correctly all the details BUT
"She partially opens up to him just to say, 'See? Even this small part of me is repulsive and boring.' "
It would be fine and all if she didn't pretend, one thing when you behave naturally and ppl around you realize you're not on the same wavelength but what she was doing was really pushing him away but acting exaggeratingly rude imho.
and yeah I can imagine how difficult it must be for a reserved person to suddenly open up but she is an adult, after everything they've already gone through she could at least give it a try esp if that's what she really wanted and I believe that was the case, otherwise she wouldn't have contemplated so much what he actually meant.
Even if you're totally right, it's still the valid reason for me to drop as I find it unbearable to watch such pathetic ppl hurting others because they can't at least try.
Ekaterina, She doesn’t want to open up from the start—she’s a closed-off person who only shows people a mask. She partially opens up to him just to say, 'See? Even this small part of me is repulsive and boring.' The whole point of the date is to push him away so she won’t have to worry about feelings and relationships anymore. Ignoring him only helps with that.
Why should she open up completely? That’s what she fears and avoids the most. If she were capable of fully opening up, she wouldn’t have needed to push him away in the first place.
Продвижение их отношений: шаг вперед , три шага назад. Ну да, еще 1 слив этого сезона. Осталась 1 серия, досмотрю, но вряд ли что-то изменится (при любом исходе). Хотя, скорее всего будет открытая концовка с намеком на 2 сезон, или в 1 серию решат все эти неловкости (ага, верим).
Меня немного раздражает зацикленность на себе этой женщины. Она ни на секунду даже подумать не хочет, что миру на неё со странностями вот ну прям пофиг. Хоть я и понимаю, что в низком эмоциональном интелекте виновата мать, не научившая дочь эмоциям, развод и одинокое детство, но Ходзедзи - уже взрослая женщина, так что все эти причины не аргумент. Эх, устаю от этих тревожных японцев... это все таки слишком подростковый тип поведения
Что-то куда-то аниме свернуло не туда. Сначала было мило и романтично, а потом навалили ненужной драмы. И Рика стала вести себя ну очень странно и неадекватно.
И в итоге все так уныло, что прогресс отношений (если это можно назвать прогрессом) главных героев даже не вызвает никаких положительных чувств.
nah, drop (-‸ლ) One thing is being real without any pretense but a totally different thing is when you invite sb on a date and totally ignore them (-‸ლ) ok, show him how 'boring' you believe you are, but why not actually open up?! Express your thoughts aloud, talk to him, walk WITH him, not ahead of him! she's utterly annoying (`□′)╯┴┴ I can't finish this episode, I'm about to explode (`□′)╯┴┴
gooosh, who would have thought watching socially awkward ppl can be such a pain (-‸ლ) usually I find it cute but it looks like here they've just taken it to extremes :((
there are just 3 episodes left. so I guess there's no point in dropping it now but it's seriously humdrum :(
and that poor guy during her school years T_T how she was hiding under the blanket was infuriating (`□′)╯┴┴
it's even a tad sad how everything has just unexpectedly gone downhill :( what a disappointment :(
Какое-то недооценённое аниме, судя по рейтингу. Выглядит симпатично, постоянно происходит что-то интересное, персонажи довольно глубокие для такого формата. И не скажешь, что много избитых жанровых клише. Приятное лайтовое аниме, не понимаю, чего ещё надо
I understood nothing about this episode O_O
First of all, this guy's story was interesting enough but I wanted to learn how the main couple's affairs are gonna proceed, alas :(
Then about that guy O_0 ok, at first he could really feel astonished (the kid was too cute though :)) but why was he crying at the end? O_O Was he seriously not ready for all that? And he's just another disappointed bachelor now or he actually feels regret and wants relationship with her? So, in this case what's the problem even?! He still can dunno send a voice message explaining himself and asking for another meeting, or going to that daycare to still find her (I sound like a stalker now, I guess, lol) but if he's serious there's still a lot he can do, why crying!? I'm at a loss and I hope there'll be more development of this situation in next episodes, I'm all for observing two couples now but if they just drop it this way I'm gonna be utterly disappointed (`□′)╯┴┴
Usually I find such shy ppl very cute experiencing ordinary emotions in a very intense way but here (-‸ლ) that unbelievably long pause was infuriating af ⋋_⋌ just utter a word or smth, goooosh (`□′)╯┴┴ poor man :( Contrary to him she was drunk, shouldn't she be braver in this case? So frustrating the episode had to end this way (-‸ლ)
I didn't expect such a depressing episode :( poor boy, poor man :(( poor woman for suffering so much she had to ask for a divorce, sigh :( ideal relationship (when everyone is happy and content) feels like smth next to impossible :( Sympathizing with everyone I still felt a tad disgusted by that drunken doormat, for the sake of his son he could have tried more to behave like an adult :( that absurd gorilla moment felt like a total mockery to poor boy's all day long suffering. gosh, what a devastating episode, indeed :(
wtf no one has to do anything. He's already told all his coworkers it was some boring family stuff and everyone understood and accepted it, after that their compliance looks ridiculous!
ahaha suitable clothes to reveal a lie, I wonder :)
mmm ic :( I thought it was a weird hobby for a kid but that explains everything :( poor thing :(( That's thought-provoking tho... should I really feel sorry if she looked so happy? That was a nice adaptation but still to the imperfect situation :(
aww his negotiations with the cat were cute :D
oh my, traditional weddings can be smth overwhelming, lol :) I wonder tho how exaggerated that presentation was :)
Kekkon suru tte, Hontou desu ka / Вы правда женитесь? / 365 Days to the Wedding / 結婚するって、本当ですか 365 Days To The Wedding / Kekkon Surutte, Hontou Desuka / Are You Really Getting Married? / Триста шестьдесят пять дней до свадьбы / Это правда, что вы женитесь?
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"She partially opens up to him just to say, 'See? Even this small part of me is repulsive and boring.' "
It would be fine and all if she didn't pretend, one thing when you behave naturally and ppl around you realize you're not on the same wavelength but what she was doing was really pushing him away but acting exaggeratingly rude imho.
and yeah I can imagine how difficult it must be for a reserved person to suddenly open up but she is an adult, after everything they've already gone through she could at least give it a try esp if that's what she really wanted and I believe that was the case, otherwise she wouldn't have contemplated so much what he actually meant.
Even if you're totally right, it's still the valid reason for me to drop as I find it unbearable to watch such pathetic ppl hurting others because they can't at least try.
Why should she open up completely? That’s what she fears and avoids the most. If she were capable of fully opening up, she wouldn’t have needed to push him away in the first place.
пойду читать мангу
Ну блин конечно...
И в итоге все так уныло, что прогресс отношений (если это можно назвать прогрессом) главных героев даже не вызвает никаких положительных чувств.
there are just 3 episodes left. so I guess there's no point in dropping it now but it's seriously humdrum :(
and that poor guy during her school years T_T how she was hiding under the blanket was infuriating (`□′)╯┴┴
it's even a tad sad how everything has just unexpectedly gone downhill :( what a disappointment :(
First of all, this guy's story was interesting enough but I wanted to learn how the main couple's affairs are gonna proceed, alas :(
Then about that guy O_0 ok, at first he could really feel astonished (the kid was too cute though :)) but why was he crying at the end? O_O Was he seriously not ready for all that? And he's just another disappointed bachelor now or he actually feels regret and wants relationship with her? So, in this case what's the problem even?! He still can dunno send a voice message explaining himself and asking for another meeting, or going to that daycare to still find her (I sound like a stalker now, I guess, lol) but if he's serious there's still a lot he can do, why crying!? I'm at a loss and I hope there'll be more development of this situation in next episodes, I'm all for observing two couples now but if they just drop it this way I'm gonna be utterly disappointed (`□′)╯┴┴
Романтикам лучше эту серию пропустить_)
ahaha suitable clothes to reveal a lie, I wonder :)
mmm ic :( I thought it was a weird hobby for a kid but that explains everything :( poor thing :(( That's thought-provoking tho... should I really feel sorry if she looked so happy? That was a nice adaptation but still to the imperfect situation :(
aww that old lady is so sweet :)
Опенинг дефолт, но очень милый эндинг
ЖГГ вроде ничем особым не выделяется во внешности, а нарисована симпатично :)
oh my, traditional weddings can be smth overwhelming, lol :) I wonder tho how exaggerated that presentation was :)