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Какое-то недооценённое аниме, судя по рейтингу. Выглядит симпатично, постоянно происходит что-то интересное, персонажи довольно глубокие для такого формата. И не скажешь, что много избитых жанровых клише. Приятное лайтовое аниме, не понимаю, чего ещё надо
wtf no one has to do anything. He's already told all his coworkers it was some boring family stuff and everyone understood and accepted it, after that their compliance looks ridiculous!
ahaha suitable clothes to reveal a lie, I wonder :)
mmm ic :( I thought it was a weird hobby for a kid but that explains everything :( poor thing :(( That's thought-provoking tho... should I really feel sorry if she looked so happy? That was a nice adaptation but still to the imperfect situation :(
aww his negotiations with the cat were cute :D
oh my, traditional weddings can be smth overwhelming, lol :) I wonder tho how exaggerated that presentation was :)
Astonishingly this title turned out to be so relatable O_o
A cat IS a valid reason (`□′)╯┴┴ it's frustrating not all ppl get it :(
What a reliable, responsible adult he is! ( ゚∀゚ノノ゙
oh, reminded me how it was at my state school where in case of some official events during holidays or days-off they always were like, mmm you're so young & don't have kids, YOU will go (-‸ლ)
:) I also was in official but still totally fake marriage with a friend, it was beneficial for both of us for some reasons :) It was nothing like here, of course, we weren't embarrassed :) it was a fun unforgettable experience :) still it's kinda sad you just can't simply refuse and need to pretend or fake :(
anyway, for now it's sweet enough, though I prefer eloquent chars...
Kekkon suru tte, Hontou desu ka / Вы правда женитесь? / 365 Days to the Wedding / 結婚するって、本当ですか 365 Days To The Wedding / Kekkon Surutte, Hontou Desuka / Are You Really Getting Married? / Триста шестьдесят пять дней до свадьбы / Это правда, что вы женитесь?
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ahaha suitable clothes to reveal a lie, I wonder :)
mmm ic :( I thought it was a weird hobby for a kid but that explains everything :( poor thing :(( That's thought-provoking tho... should I really feel sorry if she looked so happy? That was a nice adaptation but still to the imperfect situation :(
aww that old lady is so sweet :)
Опенинг дефолт, но очень милый эндинг
ЖГГ вроде ничем особым не выделяется во внешности, а нарисована симпатично :)
oh my, traditional weddings can be smth overwhelming, lol :) I wonder tho how exaggerated that presentation was :)
A cat IS a valid reason (`□′)╯┴┴ it's frustrating not all ppl get it :(
What a reliable, responsible adult he is! ( ゚∀゚ノノ゙
oh, reminded me how it was at my state school where in case of some official events during holidays or days-off they always were like, mmm you're so young & don't have kids, YOU will go (-‸ლ)
:) I also was in official but still totally fake marriage with a friend, it was beneficial for both of us for some reasons :) It was nothing like here, of course, we weren't embarrassed :) it was a fun unforgettable experience :) still it's kinda sad you just can't simply refuse and need to pretend or fake :(
anyway, for now it's sweet enough, though I prefer eloquent chars...