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One more memory unlocked. Practically identical to what her mum said to Aoi about her being not enough.
Once dad was in the hospital after a car accident, I remember being very little, sleeping in the same bed with mum but then waking up at night and starting sobbing 'cause daddy was not home. Mum's reaction was--if it were me you wouldn't shed a single tear, right?
They are so cute (。♥‿♥。) buut it looks like they won't be able to spend their Christmas alone, sigh T_T Poor girl, though :(
A poor boy has been struggling for so long :(
How amazing it is that he is not your typical stupid MC but shrewd enough to realize everything. So rare! <3 aww and the other one confronted him immediately (。♥‿♥。) My personal paradise where ppl just openly speak their mind ♥
ahaha If 'normal' ppl are disgusted by such romantic displays O_o I never want to be normal :) They are so sweet (●♡∀♡)
aaahhhhhhhhh I didn't see that coming (●♡∀♡))ヾ☆*。
hmmm 'as before' O_o is that the reason. sigh... maybe there's a chance. Nice contrast of emotions. C’est la vie
It's sorrowful how she's trying so hard to have someone special it even turned out into smth unnatural :( It can be just a friend, right. A poor girl lack parents' warmth T_T and her grandma's example... All this literature, cinema, everyone around preaches how essential love is (-‸ლ) that you have to find someone special otherwise...
Welp, anyway now I'm gonna root for that guy too against all hope :) btw I utterly enjoyed how they didn't make drama out of that misunderstanding and mc just asked his friend if they're dating or not. And how that girl just admitted she's not going to have any relationship with him but still can be friends. Just perfect! <3
This title unlocked my own memories. When mum scolded me saying, for example, my room is a mess it wasn't because it's wrong or smth, it was always, "You are a GIRL, so..." all the hecking time (`□′)╯┴┴ I loathed that.
I rarely like female characters. They always seem too weird, unnatural, created mainly for male audience to ogle them. Gross. But oh my, the girl here is amazing! I llove her (。♥‿♥。)
Yeah, he's gorgeous in all his 'personalities' :)
So many cute moments, indeed (。♥‿♥。)
She's sick ⋋_⋌ So much tension just for a pink handkerchief (`□′)╯┴┴
pugbow, I thought about the possible excuse that it's just his girlfriend's BUT he hid that handkerchief, if she'd left it or smth, it wouldn't be there, so it's still suspicious.
Rita, hmm. a nice idea. It didn't occur to me O_o. For absolute majority it'd def be just a fad, I thought about this hobby/trait as some crucial part of his but you're right, most likely he'd be like everyone else, if not his parents :(
But they all are so cute (。♥‿♥。)
And I enjoyed that constant change of visuals :)
For now I'm excited to have found one more decent title in this season!
btw first I thought it's gonna be some unrealistic (really what about dress code at school), lighthearted story just to relax, nothing deep or serious but it turned out not all teachers and students accept his hobby or whatever it is for him, I still don't get it how important all this for mc. Plus, his mother... :(
I hope one day ppl will live in the world with truly free self-expression without any shaming or harassment.
- Она отказала мне. Сказала что любит тебя. Думает, что любит тебя!
- Да она не может любить меня!
- Да я люблю тебя!
А папка внезапно адекват. Вот бы еще ребенка извлек из токсичной среды, цены бы ему не было б.
Такая халтура на самом деле, слишком много упрощённой рисовки.
Ну и с другой стороны, а ее мать не парит, что сын бреет ноги постоянно? Или у него волосы не растут на ногах?