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У приятеля была девушка по темпераменту и характеру очень похожая на главную героиню этого тайтла. Ей было 30 и она была такая же уставшая от жизни, отношений и прочей суеты. Семьи у них конечно же не получилось, расстались спустя год, думается мне такие люди должны оставаться одни.
while watching I was contemplating about literature... I'm really curious what kind of stories kids learn in different countries. I recollected how I was crying a lot reading 'Mumu' (the teacher was cruel to make us read the saddest parts aloud, I still remember how I struggled trying to swallow my tears), or Dostoevsky's 'heavy' books, all our tragic literature has influenced me greatly, my worldview, moral principals are partially the way they are thanks to that groundbreaking experience. ppl talk about specific national character, & literature is essential part of culture, so all that info absorbed my kids in dif places must matter a lot.
btw I haven't been a huge fan of the girl before but now... (-‸ლ) here she's shown in a kinda stupid way. Is it really the only way to understand the char--to relate to them from your real-life experience? That's downright ridiculous! Isn't it presented vividly in the story what the chars feel? aren't they taught at school well to see those means? how is it possible to succeed all the other subjects but fail lit?! (-‸ლ)
dunno even why I keep watching it, the mood is weird, but for now the boy is my only reason to go on.
too much talking about underwear (-‸ლ)
wtf (-‸ლ) had the urge to drop but decided to finish this episode at least. I knew it was going that way but I still hoped & the boy seems to be talking sense, sigh, perhaps I should give it a try till he keeps insisting they should work on their relationship as 'brother and sister'.
oh my, she's so on point about woman's position in modern society :( not that it's been better before buut it's still such a long way to equal, non-judgmental world T_T
to give more in return than we take sounds like a perfect policy :)
I didn't get it btw, so it was a stupid misunderstanding about her selling her body (as if it wasn't obvious, lol) but what was the root of those rumors she actually supported herself? what was she going to continue? did I miss it or was it just abandoned abruptly? lazy to replay and check :(
yeah, such conversations would be unbelievable for typical teenagers but when you have a harsh life (like single parent, constantly working that they can't even provide you with a normal food, lack of real friends, inhospitable surroundings in general, you're kinda forced to start thinking that way, I don't see anything illogical or unnatural here.
started watching rather prejudiced... the theme seems quite popular for Japanese culture buut, though I don't want to be kink-shaming, it's very disturbing. and that weird explanation they gave twice at the beginning that being stepsiblings you don't share the similar experience of living together, lol, seriously, is that the most important thing about blood connection?!
"Act naturally" sounds like solid advice for all situations :)
why am I having déjà vu as if I've already heard this whole conversation about acting at school? O_o
welp, dunno even what to think, so slow-paced (bordering on boring), once looking for a long time at the same pic, I started doubting if it's still going on or maybe is lagging again.
I think I'd like it if the whole title were the same way just about living together with some stranger, no explicit romance.
эту хуйню надо включать на сеансе психотерапии, еще и музыкальное сопровождение такое же....мне конечно нравятся кудере, но по уровню их эмпатии они сравнялись с Маширо Шиной
Воу, после двух серий у меня была мысль, что Аясэ неплохо было бы купить кепку "please be patient, I have autism", но в 3-й серии нам все объяснили прекрасной вставкой от ее лица. Я прям даже не был готов к такой горячей серии. Столько всего зараз. В этом сезоне у нас прям какой-то дикий вайб на сестер (как родных, так и сводных). Ну и что: инцест - дело семейное.
Летний сезон - это почти всегда очень бедный ассортимент любопытных проектов, вот и приходится довольствоваться парой сериалов. Но этот год показывает, что бывают и исключения из правил: пилотные эпизоды "Маленького гражданина" и "Юного лорда - мастера побега" завораживают, даже "Моногатари" вернулись порадовать, а тут ещё и такая симпатичная и приятная "Жизнь с моей сводной сестрой".
Аниме вводящее в транс...вот прям сидишь и АФКшишь. С Мисо-супа проорал, где-то я слышал такое уже....девка 100% на него полезет, да и он поломается и согласится
Комментов пока нет, буду первым. Первая серия вполне себе норм без особого кринжа. Придется ждать сабов, для просмотра следующих серий, ибо невозможно смотреть в озвучке с бесконечным шёпотом "делайте ставки..."
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btw I haven't been a huge fan of the girl before but now... (-‸ლ) here she's shown in a kinda stupid way. Is it really the only way to understand the char--to relate to them from your real-life experience? That's downright ridiculous! Isn't it presented vividly in the story what the chars feel? aren't they taught at school well to see those means? how is it possible to succeed all the other subjects but fail lit?! (-‸ლ)
dunno even why I keep watching it, the mood is weird, but for now the boy is my only reason to go on.
wtf (-‸ლ) had the urge to drop but decided to finish this episode at least. I knew it was going that way but I still hoped & the boy seems to be talking sense, sigh, perhaps I should give it a try till he keeps insisting they should work on their relationship as 'brother and sister'.
to give more in return than we take sounds like a perfect policy :)
I didn't get it btw, so it was a stupid misunderstanding about her selling her body (as if it wasn't obvious, lol) but what was the root of those rumors she actually supported herself? what was she going to continue? did I miss it or was it just abandoned abruptly? lazy to replay and check :(
yeah, such conversations would be unbelievable for typical teenagers but when you have a harsh life (like single parent, constantly working that they can't even provide you with a normal food, lack of real friends, inhospitable surroundings in general, you're kinda forced to start thinking that way, I don't see anything illogical or unnatural here.
"Act naturally" sounds like solid advice for all situations :)
why am I having déjà vu as if I've already heard this whole conversation about acting at school? O_o
welp, dunno even what to think, so slow-paced (bordering on boring), once looking for a long time at the same pic, I started doubting if it's still going on or maybe is lagging again.
I think I'd like it if the whole title were the same way just about living together with some stranger, no explicit romance.