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какая же бесполезная и скучная серия господи
хз откуда сравнения с гатарями, вообще тусклый какой-то тайтл. удивлена, что они eve на опенинг затащили как-то
lol, her reasoning was kinda meh, his handkerchief could easily become unusable just because the poor boy had to spend so much time in heat, so it was just too sweaty.
but the look of utter pleasure when he was eating it mmm now I'm craving smth sweet myself :) It's a pity it's actually nighttime T_T
mmm in this case it's awesome though not very obvious, at least for me. Thank you! <3
welp, yeah, they ARE kids :) but at first they seemed really too full of themselves. I don't feel that anymore after this third episode, so I believe I'm gonna finish this title.
Extraordinary ppl are always fun to observe but, I guess, as they are not what you expect it may take time to grow on you :)
>btw I dislike our Russian name, a bit misleading
I've heard that it should be reference on "маленький человек" in Dostoevsky's meaning. So it's little bit more than "just ordinary".
>boring trifles
That's exactly why I love it. In most cases, mystery in anime = murder or theft, that makes a lot of murders in short period. This's not bad, but kinda unrealistic.
But Shoushimin (and Hyouka too) instead focuses on daily mysteries. The solution process isn't differs from "serious mysteries". So it's like hidden world under your nose. Something like Harry Potter with hidden magic world, but more simple and realistic.
Yeah, things happen even if you didn't deserve that, sigh...
That's kinda sad (btw I dislike our Russian name, a bit misleading) that they want to become ordinary when they were lucky enough to be born outstanding :( They have each other & even more, why do they care what others think?! What a loss :(
I've watched two episodes & still can't decide if I like it or not...
MC seems to be too pretentious solving some ridiculous, boring trifles... That feels a little bit out of sync, kinda jarring.
And all the time the answer is smth unsatisfyingly banal, welp the title IS about being ordinary, lol, perhaps it was wrong to expect smth exciting, out of the ordinary :))
You can't put hot things into the fridge, btw, can you? O_o Though I guess it's a nice reminder you should take into account ppl who break even the obvious rules :)
what I liked about the boy that it was said he always shared everything he knew with the others (the way it's mentioned below was presented differently in eng subs, nothing about sharing the solutions, just what info he knew, perhaps it could be annoying for the others but it's still different) I am the same way, every time I learn smth thrilling, I have the urge to share it with others :) I guess it's a perfect trait for a teacher :)) And I imagined mc that way too, though perhaps it's not like this. I read what's said in the title's descriptions after amyati's explanation and... either it's gonna be shown later or I was too sleepy when I started watching it, a bit weird as you don't get the reasoning behind the way they act at the very beginning. His friend did ask him what'd happened before, so maybe it's a spoiler in the description, sigh...
Кто-то из клуба сожрал пончик с горчицей и не колется. Детективная история Конаты и шоколадного рогалика отдыхает. Здесь целую серию на серьезных щах. И в этом абсурде участвуют не четыре девочки, а толпа суровых журналистов и один наследник Эл.
Кстати, хрен с пончиками - у клуба есть целая детективная история для статьи теперь!
Главный герой все больше душнит с каждой серией. Что он вообще понимает в обычных людях. желание отомстить обидчику - самая нормальная реакция и отговаривать Осонай это верх лицемерия.
А вот Кенго, все больше начинаешь уважать - сказал все открыто.
Мда, рогалик из лаки стар был как то живей, тут чувствуется наигранность и за серию тупо ничего не произошло, да и за первую по сути тоже ничего не было. Странное аниме
ох уж это пафосное нагнетание саспенса, которое скорее раздражает, чем увлекает. как будто одноклассник сказал что-то вроде: "я вчера такое видел" и дальше не рассказывает, а когда расспрашиваешь его что там, то по итогу какая-нибудь унылая херня
Загадка была интересной, а вот герои с их пафосом немного душат. Герой говорит так будто закодированный алкоголик: "я не сорвусь". Как-то это наигранно.
amyati скорее всего так и было, но вот в этой серии Кенго говорит о том, что герой просто лез ко всем подряд со своими разгадками т.е. тут проблема не в его увлечении, а в том что он сам по себе всех раздражал.
Красиво, но смотреть я это не буду, слишком наигранные мувы. Пара которая мечтает быть незаметными и не значимыми, но при этом одна даёт советы а другой детектив от бога. Да аниме оставляет после себя чувства глубины какой-то, но нет, времени нет всё смотреть, а есть аниме более годное
Александр Назымов
Как я понял из описания, детективные занятия этой парочки в средней школе вылились в кучу неприятностей. И теперь они не хотят привлекать внимания.
Расскажите, что вы думаете об этой серии!
В комментариях запрещены спойлеры по будущим сериям, но разрешены по текущей и предыдущим. Запрещены сообщения, выходящие за рамки приличия. Сообщения не по теме могут быть удалены.
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хз откуда сравнения с гатарями, вообще тусклый какой-то тайтл. удивлена, что они eve на опенинг затащили как-то
but the look of utter pleasure when he was eating it mmm now I'm craving smth sweet myself :) It's a pity it's actually nighttime T_T
Why does he believe it's their flaw, I agree with the girl, just accept who you are, why fight against your own nature?
welp, yeah, they ARE kids :) but at first they seemed really too full of themselves. I don't feel that anymore after this third episode, so I believe I'm gonna finish this title.
Extraordinary ppl are always fun to observe but, I guess, as they are not what you expect it may take time to grow on you :)
>btw I dislike our Russian name, a bit misleading
I've heard that it should be reference on "маленький человек" in Dostoevsky's meaning. So it's little bit more than "just ordinary".
>boring trifles
That's exactly why I love it. In most cases, mystery in anime = murder or theft, that makes a lot of murders in short period. This's not bad, but kinda unrealistic.
But Shoushimin (and Hyouka too) instead focuses on daily mysteries. The solution process isn't differs from "serious mysteries". So it's like hidden world under your nose. Something like Harry Potter with hidden magic world, but more simple and realistic.
That's kinda sad (btw I dislike our Russian name, a bit misleading) that they want to become ordinary when they were lucky enough to be born outstanding :( They have each other & even more, why do they care what others think?! What a loss :(
MC seems to be too pretentious solving some ridiculous, boring trifles... That feels a little bit out of sync, kinda jarring.
And all the time the answer is smth unsatisfyingly banal, welp the title IS about being ordinary, lol, perhaps it was wrong to expect smth exciting, out of the ordinary :))
You can't put hot things into the fridge, btw, can you? O_o Though I guess it's a nice reminder you should take into account ppl who break even the obvious rules :)
what I liked about the boy that it was said he always shared everything he knew with the others (the way it's mentioned below was presented differently in eng subs, nothing about sharing the solutions, just what info he knew, perhaps it could be annoying for the others but it's still different) I am the same way, every time I learn smth thrilling, I have the urge to share it with others :) I guess it's a perfect trait for a teacher :)) And I imagined mc that way too, though perhaps it's not like this. I read what's said in the title's descriptions after amyati's explanation and... either it's gonna be shown later or I was too sleepy when I started watching it, a bit weird as you don't get the reasoning behind the way they act at the very beginning. His friend did ask him what'd happened before, so maybe it's a spoiler in the description, sigh...
Кстати, хрен с пончиками - у клуба есть целая детективная история для статьи теперь!
А вот Кенго, все больше начинаешь уважать - сказал все открыто.
amyati скорее всего так и было, но вот в этой серии Кенго говорит о том, что герой просто лез ко всем подряд со своими разгадками т.е. тут проблема не в его увлечении, а в том что он сам по себе всех раздражал.
Начало точной интересней амёбной Хёки.
Как я понял из описания, детективные занятия этой парочки в средней школе вылились в кучу неприятностей. И теперь они не хотят привлекать внимания.